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In transition from manufacturing and shooting films, it is necessary to carry a certain amount of damped material in packing boxes to keep the film somewhat moist for maintaining prime condition. This image is of a canister for acetate-based film (nitrate-based has not been manufactured since 1951), so it does not exemplify the requirements for good ventilation of cellulose-nitrate film, but it does have details, instructions, and warnings for the identification and proper care of the material within, specifying things like ideal temperature zones, or when to develop the film by. The use of refrigerated trucks for transportation is encouraged so the film is always in a moderate climate. Films should also be deprived of sunlight or any light in general and be protected from extreme heat that might lead to incineration through the use of opaque and insulating shipping materials.


 Eastman Kodak Company


Acetate-based Film Canister

10 3/4" diameter

© 2014 by REBECCA SOJA | ARC500-04 Upstate Modern: Air Conditions | Professor Jonathan Massey | Syracuse University School of Architecture

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